Политика за колачиња “cookies”
Неопходни колачиња
Овие колачиња се неопходни за правилно функционирање на основните функции на веб-страната како навигација, онлајн купување, наплата, статистика за посета на сајтот, оптимизација на содржината и сл. Тие се најчесто поставени како одговор на одредена интеракција која ја имате со веб-страната, како што се прилагодувањата за Поставки на колачиња, најава или пополнување на електронски форми. Овие колачиња не содржат никакви лични информации и не може да се исклучат со овие поставки. Повеќе опции во врска со користење на колачиња може да прилагодите во Вашиот интернет пребарувач со цел да ги блокира или да Ве извести за овие колачиња, при што некои делови од веб-страната нема правилно да функционираат.
Колачиња за аналитика
Овие колачиња ни овозможуваат да ги броиме посетите и изворите на сообраќај, со цел да ги измериме и подобриме перформансите на веб-страната. Тие ни помагаат да анализираме кои под-страници се најпосетени и да видиме како посетителите се движат низ страницата. Сите информации што ги собираат овие колачиња се агрегирани и анонимни.
Функционални колачиња
Овие колачиња овозможуваат подобра функционалност и персонализација на содржината на веб-страната. Доколку не се согласите со користење на овие колачиња некои делови од веб-страната нема правилно да функционираат.
Оваа Политиката за приватност на личните податоци го уредува начинот на кој Polleo Sport MK ги собира, користи и обработува податоците собрани од поситителите на нашата интернет страна.
Кои информации ги собираме? За време на посетата на интернет страната, Вашата приватност целосно се почитува. При посета на интернет страната polleosport.com.mk, ние ги обработуваме Вашите лични податоци (лични податоци за идентификација и информации за контакт), само доколку доброволно ги дадете преку регистрирање/најава на нашата интернет страна, заради користење на нашите производи.
Polleo Sport MK ги обработува Вашите лични податоци со намера за подобрување на корисничкото искуство преку унапредување на квалитетот на услугата, односно поефикасно одговарање на Вашите барања и давање на потребната поддршка при користење на интернет страната, а се со цел да го подобриме нејзиниот квалитет и услугите што ги нудиме преку неа. Вашите лични податоци нема да се обработуваат за ниту една друга цел, освен за целта заради која се собрани. Обработка на Вашите лични податоци за друга цел, може да се врши единствено врз основа на Ваша претходна согласност.
На кој начин се врши обработката на личните податоци?
Обработката на Вашите лични податоци Polleo Sport MK ја врши согласно прописите за заштита на лични податоци на Република Северна Македонија, преземајќи ги сите пропишани технички и организациони мерки за обезедување на тајност и заштита при обработката на личните податоци со кои располага. Личните податоци може да бидат доставени само на надлежните органи, согласно со законски предвидената постапка.
Други информации
Имајќи ја во предвид природата на Интернетот, треба да се напомене дека при неговото користење пасивно и автоматски се собираат податоци за навиките и преференциите на неговите корисници. При посетата на интернет страната од корисниците, Polleo Sport MK може да евидентира информации поврзани со нив, кои сами по себе не се доволни за да идентификауваат одредено лице и претставуваат статистички показатели кои се користат заради подобрување на квалитетот на интернет страната.
Колачиња на пребарувачот на интернет Колачиња (“cookies") се мали текстуални фајлови кои се снимаат на вашиот компјутер или мобилен уред заради подобрување на корисничкото искуство и не се поврзуваат со вашите лични податоци кои претходно сте ни ги доставиле. Со помош на колачињата Polleо Sport MKT го следи движењето на посетителите на интернет страната и на тој начин собира податоци за подобро разбирање за користењето на интернет страната од страна на посетителите, со цел да се подобри корисничкото искуство, да се оптимизира и унапреди функционалноста на интернет страната. Колачињата ни овозможуваат да го препознаеме Вашиот интернет пребарувач, при следната посета на интернет страната. Колачињата може да ги зачуваат Вашите преференции и други технички информации, но не можат да читаат податоци или информации од вашиот хард диск или мобилен телефон, ниту пак да читаат други зачувани фајлови за колачиња од други интернет страни.
Промени во политиката за приватност на личните податоци
Polle Sport MK има право да ја ажурира оваа политика за приватност на личните податоци во кое било време. Кога ќе го направиме тоа, ќе дадеме известување на интернет страната и ќе го ревидираме датумот на ажурирање на крајот на овој документ. Корисникот се согласува дека е негова одговорност периодично да ја проверува Политиката за приватност и дека е свесен за промените.
Доколку сакате Вашите податоци да бидат корегирани или избришани или доколку имате какви било прашања или предлози од областа на заштитата на личните податоци, можете да нè контактирате на следната електронска адреса:
Напоменуваме дека електронската адреса од која што ќе не контактирате и останатите лични податоци, како и содржината на Вашите барања или предлози, нема да бидат искористени за ниту една друга цел освен за да Ви одговориме на Вашето барање, прашање или предлог упатен до нас.
Напоменуваме дека електронската адреса од која што ќе не контактирате и останатите лични податоци, како и содржината на Вашите барања или предлози, нема да бидат искористени за ниту една друга цел освен за да Ви одговориме на Вашето барање, прашање или предлог упатен до нас.
We are Polleo Adria Ltd., ID: 12791380945, Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 134 („Polleo Adria“), and in this Cookie and Privacy Policy and GDPR acts, we are considered as data handlers. In this policy, Polleo Adria is also reffered to as “we”, “us” and “our”.
This Policy can be altered at any time. All changes will be visible to you as our users. You will be notified about all changes done to this Policy via e-mail (if possible) which will be directed to your e-mail adress, or via any other visible way.
The purpose of this document is to explain to you what exactly we do with your personal information. This document describes the way in which we collect, use and handle your personal information and how we fulfill our legal duties.
Your privacy is important to us and we care about the safety and protection of your rights.
In case you are not satisfied with any part of this policy, you reserve the right to request a fulfillment of one of the rights written further in this policy.
We collect information which ensures that we provide good user experience. Generally, we separate (a) personal data that you provide and (b) personal data collected automattically and (c) personal data collected from a third-party source.
For instance, we collect data that you provide when you register on our website, when you sign up for our newsletter or when you order from our webshop – in all these instances, you fill out certain fields and click on a certain button which potentially provides us with your personal information. We also collect information via questionnaires, when you contact our support center, when you participate in a game or competition that we organise. When you provide feedback for one of our products, or file a complaint about a certain product, it is also possible (or likely) that we will collect some personal data. All this information is collected with your consent or because we need this information to fulfill our end of the agreement (for instance, when we need to respond to a complaint about a product), and in this Policy, we consider them „Personal information that you provide“.
There is also personal information collected automatically, i.e. information saved when you use our web pages or use our services.
Whenever you use our web pages or read our e-mail, certain information (not necessarily your personal information) is created and automatically collected. For example:
When you browse our web pages, we use „cookies“. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on your computer by your web browser while you are browsing. Cookies usually save your settings, web page settings such as preferred langugage or internet adress. Later, when you open the same web page again, the web browser sends back cookies which are tied to that page. This makes it possible for the page to display information tailored to your needs. Cookies can collect a wide range of data, sometimes including personal information (such as your name or e-mail adress). However, this data can only be saved with your consent – web pages cannot gain access to information you did not provide and the cannot access other files on your computer. The process of saving and sending cookies is not visible to you. You can find out more about cookies further in this Policy.
Along with cookies, the information about the type of device which you use can be visible to us, along with the specific make and model of the device, which OS you use, how it's set up and for example, the reson why a web page „crashed“. For example, various information can be displayed depending on whether you use a PC or Mac, and iOS device or an Android device.
When you visit our brick-and-mortar shops, you should be aware that, for security reasons, some of them might be under video surveillance. This kind of surveillance can record you during your visit to our shop. We collect this data for our legal interests, and in this Policy we consider them as Personal information collected automatically.
Lastly, it is possible that we collect your personal information from a third-party source. For example, it is possible that we collect your personal information via social networks, in case you „like“ our page on Facebook or start following us on another „social network“. In that case, it is possible that we will collect your personal information from those pages, and we will use them exclusively for our legal interests, and in this Policy we consider them as Personal information collected from a third-party source.
Personal information that is exchanged between you and us and via our web site is transferred via modern network. All IT systems that are used are protected from unauthorized access, and employees are required to keep all data secretive. However, Polleo Adria Ltd. does not have effect on data transfer via internet and therefore cannot protect from misuse by a third-party. The data is stored for further processing.
We use your personal information in an appropriate way in situations where the processing of your personal information is required, such as:
· to ensure a fast and precise delivery of your order;
· to track your order placement and remove any inconvenience
· to be able to replace a damaged product, or compensate in another way
· to offer you products and services at discount prices, or tailored to you
· to inform you of our marketing activities and/or market research
· When it is neccessary, we will share your personal information with the following groups of recipients:
· Polleo associates, including Polleo associates in other countries;
· Third-parties that have information on your finance, such as financial and credit institutions;
· Public-legal authorities, when we have good reson to consider it neccessary;
· Other service providers which in our name provide a certain service (for example couriers) or possibly third-party IT service providers with whom we have certain agreements regarding personal information processing.
One of the main goals of the GDPR act is to protect and define a person's rights regarding privacy protection. Even if we already process your personal information, you have certain rights.
In order to fulfill these rights, please contact us. We will abide your request immediately. Please note that we will keep track of received requests, in order to solve any potential disagreements.
By the GDPR act, you have the following rights:
· Right to a complaint
· This enables you to file a complaint about the processing of your personal information, in case we process your personal information on one of the following legal basis:
· because the processing of personal information is in our legal interest;
· in order to fulfill our part of the contract agreement; or
· for scientific, marketing or statistical purposes.
· Under these circumstances, the most applicable case is the processing of your personal information on the basis of legal interest. If we are not able to prove that we have a believable and legitimate reason to process your personal information, and which overcomes your rights and interests, we will stop processing your personal information.
· Right to withdraw consent
In cases where we have your consent to process information, you have the right to withdraw the given consent at any time and we will stop using your personal information for that purpose, unless we believe that there is an alternative legal basis on which we could justify further processing of your personal information, in which case you will be notified.
Right to access
At any time, you are authorized to request a copy of the information which we have about you, or request a change, update or deletion of the information. We may ask for further information about your request. If we give you access to the information we have about you, we will do it free of charge, unless the request is unfounded. In case you request additional copies of this information, we might charge an administrative fee. Your request can be denied in cases where it's legally allowed.
Right to have the information deleted
Under certain circumstances, you are authorized to request a deletion of your personal information. For example, you have this right in the following cases:
Your information is no longer needed for the purpose for which they were initially collected;
You withdrew the consent for the processing of personal information that you gave us, and there is no other legal basis on which we can continue processing your personal information (in cases where the legal basis is a consent);
Information is processed without a valid legal basis;
The deletion is required in order to abide to our legal duties;
You filed a complaint about the processing of personal information, and we are not able to prove the existence of a legal basis that overcomes your rights and interests on which we would be authorized to continue processing your personal information.
We are authorized to decline your request to delete your personal information in a limited amount of cases and in those cases, we will explain the reasons of declining to you in detail.
Right to limit processing
Under certain circumstances, you have the right to limit the processing of your personal information, for example, in case you deny the accuracy of the personal information we have about you or if you file a complaint about the processing of your personal information on the basis of our legal interest. If we shared your personal information with third parties, we will inform them about the limit of processing, unless it is not possible or it would cause difficulties. Of course, we will inform you of any changes to the way we process your personal information.
Right for correction
You have the right to request correction of any incorrect or incomplete information that we have abot you. In case we shared your information with third parties, we will inform them of the correction, unless it is not possible or it would cause difficulties. You are also authorized to request information about third parties to which we gave incorrect or incomplete personal information. In case we believe that we cannot accept your request, you will be informed and given an explanation.
Right to transfer
If you so decide, you are authorized to request a transfer of your personal information to another party. This means that it is possible for your personal information to be given, i.e. transferred to a third party. In order to make that possible, we will give you all of your information in a common, machine-readable form so that you can transfer your information to a third party. This right is applicable if these are involved: (i) automatically collected data (no human factor involved); (ii) data given to us by you; and (iii) data that we collect and process based on your consent or in order to fulfill our end of an agreement.
How long we keep your personal information
According to your rights, the information will be kept in accordance to legal regulations, and how long we keep the information can depend on fulfilling our obligations based on a certain regulation.
In any case, when we confirm that we no longer need your information and that legal deadlines for keeping personal information are due, we will delete all personal information about you that we have.
How you can prevent the use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes
The use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics for web analysis. The supplier is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, SAD.
Google Analytics uses cookies.
When you visit this website, cookies are used to generate data that Google collects and processes. You can prevent this by downloading and installing this web browser add-on: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=hr
You can find more information about the use of user data on Google Analytics in Google's Privacy Policy: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=hr
Promotional offers delivered via e-mail (Email Newsletter)
You can sign up for our newsletter via our website. For this we need your e-mail adress and your consent to receive newsletters.. Other information about company, adress and fields of interest are processed and used to send requested information. They will not be forwarded to third parties.
You can withdraw your consent for information saving, use of your e-mail adress to deliver newsletter at any time – you can do this via links in every e-mail newsletter or by contacting zastitapodataka@polleosport.hr. In that case, we will immediately delete your information regarding newsletters.
To distribute newsletters, we use MailChimp (trademark of Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, SAD). MailChimp must abide to privacy policies of the EU. MailChimp's Privacy Policy: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/ will use your information only to deliver newsletters, estimate deliveries and improve services. MailChimp will not directly contact you nor use your information. They will not send your information to third parties. The information used by MailChimp include „web beacon“ which sends information about opening newsletters and clicking on links within newsletters to MailChimp. During that process, the information about your web browser, your IP adress and your location will be sent to MailChimp.
We use cookies to be able to carry out further improvements to this website, to improve your experience of browsing this website and to improve your shopping experience. We will not use cookies along with your personal information without your consent.
Cookies are small text files stored on your device to save data. We use cookies and similar technology to track and remember the contents of your shopping car, to store your settings and for signing in, to enable internet advertising, performance analysis and for other legal purposes.
In order to be able to order products from our website, you should enable the use of cookies. If you do not enable cookies, you will still be able to browse, but it is possible that certain functionalities will be disabled. Most web-browsers enable the use of cookies, but you can change these settings on any of your devices.
Cookies cannot harm your computer. We never store information used for identification, such as your credit/debit card info, but we do use secure and anonymous data collected from cookies to improve our website.
Cookies are not computer programs, they cannot read information stored on your computer. They cannot be used to transfer computer viruses, or to obtain user data such as e-mail address etc. It is possible that we have an agreement with carefully picked and monitored providers who, in a small amount of instances, can store cookies during your visit to our website, which are used for remarketing purposes. Please keep in mind that we are not and cannot be responsible for the content of websites that do not belong to us, i.e. that we do not control.
Our cookies do not contain personal information, such as your first and last name, or information about payment – they only store a „key“ connected to this type of data, once you sign in to your account.
If you wish to limit, block or delete cookies from any web page under our control, you can do this in your web browser settings. You need to be aware that doing so can cause our website to disable certain functionalities and they won't work.
If you need additional information regarding cookies, please visit: www.allaboutcookies.org
This is the list of cookies that we use and their purposes:
Category: Required
Required cookies help with the development of a website by enabling basic functions such as navigating and access to secure areas of a page. A web page cannot properly function without these cookies. The following describes the cookie name, cookie provider, type of cookie and the duration of a cookie:
Cookie name: PHPSESSID
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: until the end of your session
Purpose of the cookie: technical, keeps user data
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: cc_cookie_accept
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: 12 months
Purpose of the cookie: stores that a user has seen the cookie
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: currency
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: 1 month
Purpose of the cookie: currency selection
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: language
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: 1 month
Purpose of the cookie: language selection
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: lbrecentproduct
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: 1 month
Purpose of the cookie: products that the user has already browsed
Source: polleosport.hr
Category: Statistics
Statistical cookies help the owners of the website to find out how users interact with web pages.
Cookie name: _ga
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: 2 years
Purpose of the cookie: uses Google Analytics to separate users.
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: _gid
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: until the end of your session
Purpose of the cookie: uses Google Analytics to separate users.
Source: polleosport.hr
Cookie name: _dc_gtm_UA-#
Applied by: polleosport.hr
Duration: until the end of your session
Purpose of the cookie: Uses Google Tag Manager to control the loading of tags for Google Analytics
Source: polleosport.hr
Social Network Privacy Policy – „like“ and „share“
If you „share“ content with your frinds, or „like“ or „follow“ Polleo on one of the social networks we use, it is possible that you will be sent cookies by one of those web pages. We do not control the settings of those cookies, but we sugget that you check „Privacy Policies“ of those third party websites.
Facebook: our website uses Facebook plug-ins (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA). You can recognise Facebook plug-ins by the Facebook logo and the „Like“ button.
If you visit one of our pages that have this kind of plug-in, your browser connects to Facebook servers. The content of the Facebook plug-in is transferred directly to your browser and is input to the web page. Via this plug-in integration, Facebook receives the information that you accessed a page on our web destination. If you have a Facebook profile, you are logged in to Facebook during your visit to our web site or you save Facebook cookies on your computer, Facebook can assign a visit to your Facebook profile. If you interact with plug-ins, for example by clicking on the „Like“ button or by leaving a comment, an information is sent from your browser to Facebook where it's stored and, depending on your Facebook settings, can be displayed on your Facebook profile. If you do not wish for Facebook to save this information, log out of Facebook before visiting our website, or delete Facebook cookies.
For more information on the purpose and extent of data collecting, further processing and the use of information by Facebook please read Facebook's Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php
Instagram: Our website uses Instagram plug-ins (Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA). Instagram plug-ins recognise you, for example, by using „Instagram Camera“.
Ako posjetite našu web lokaciju s takvim dodatkom, vaš preglednik uspostavlja izravnu vezu s poslužiteljima tvrtke Instagram. Instagram šalje sadržaj dodataka izravno u vaš preglednik i uključi ga na web stranicu. Kroz ovu integraciju dodataka, Instagram prima informaciju da ste pristupili odgovarajućoj stranici našeg mrežnog odredišta, čak i ako nemate korisnički profil na Instagramu, ili ukoliko trenutno niste prijavljeni na Instagram. Ti se podaci (uključujući vašu IP adresu) šalju izravno s vašeg preglednika na poslužitelj Instagrama u SAD-u i bivaju pohranjeni tamo. Ukoliko ste, međutim, prijavljeni na Instagram, Instagram može odmah dodijeliti vašu posjetu našoj stranici ili klik na „Instagram”” gumb izravno na vaš Instagram račun i ta se informacija također može prikazati vašim Instagram kontaktima. Dodatne informacije o opsegu i upotrebi podataka Instagrama i srodnim pravima potražite izravno na Instagramu: https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388
If you visit one of our pages that have this kind of plug-in, your browser connects to Instagram servers. Instagram sends plug-in content directly to yur browser and inputs it to the web page. By integrating plug-ins, Instagram receives information that you accessed a page on our web destination, even if you do not have an Instagram profile, or you are not logged in to Instagram. This information (including your IP adress) is sent directly from your browser to your Instagram account. This information can also be displayed to your Instagram contacts. You can find additional information about Instagram's use of information here: https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388
Our use of re-marketing
This website uses so-called retargeting. Retargeting is a JavaScrip code, embedded in the source code of this website. When a user visits one of the pages containing a retargeting code, a web advertising provider (for example, Google) stores a cookie in the Internet browser. This cookie is used to trigger retargeting („Interest based advertising“) on other websites.
Changes to our Cookie and Privacy Policy
This Policy is actively checked and updated if needed because we care about your privacy. Last changes to this policy were made on May 25th, 2018.
In case you have any concern about your privacy and the way we use your personal information, please contact us. Please note that we will save our conversation, so that we could timely resolve any problems.
You can contact us at any time:
Ахема д.о.о.
Загребска 28Б
МК 1000 Скопје
Тел. 00389 23220154
Е-пошта: support@polleosport.mk
Веб: www.polleosport.mk